Thursday, 16 August 2012


Across the square from us, the Cathedral of Chartres against clear skies striped with jet trails. The plain spire is original. The fancier gothic work was done after a couple of hundred years following a fire.

A massive renovation project is under way both inside and out, cleaning the stonework and the glass. What a difference to see the effect on the lighting of the interior!

The stained glass was used to tell stories, but the window on the right has a more modern style.

There are three rose windows. There are also relics that rather tangle up people's faith. All over the nave floor is a maze or labyrinth. Christians used this to make a substitute pilgrimage to Jerusalem (the centre). One of the physical things we can do to involve our bodies in our spiritual exercises. Another church rationalisation of practices from ancient times, like some of the winter and spring festival stuff. Couldn't photograph the labyrinth because most of the time chairs are set out in straight rows over the stone circle.

But there was an empty cross.

A tourist shop gimmick.

And old Milk Street.
There are many new areas as a result of the war.
The Cathedral spire was ordered to be bombed as a suspected observation post of the enemy, but an American sneaked in and proved it wasn't being used. The order was withdrawn and the building saved.

In the morning, we trundled our cases down to the station and headed for our last French stop at Roscoff, Brittany.

Only on the way to... or in Paris...

Does your TGV go at 250km/hour passed vineyards & windmills...

Then you see the Bastille & the canal under it...

The Seine & Notre Dame... on a HOT Saturday afternoon...  with sunbathers....

& your way to the Place des Vosges....

is blocked by painters in the gutter...

the Bateaux Mouch are crowded... 

& the Ile Sainte Louis footpaths overflowing...

with folks QUEUING to get to THEIR favourite ICE CREAM shop... !

& Women beating men - at THEIR game...

Just round the corner from our hotel....

Les Invalides, and the Eifel Tower overlook...
the house of the Sculptor, Rodin, now his Museum, which has some wonderful works of his, to see and contemplate...

Some would go further than contemplating them...

But the Burghers of Calais, which we have seen elsewhere, is ALWAYS worth another    ...contemplation !

One of Sandra's favourites was "The Little Gossips" !

It's gardens are a great place to sit & sit...

Before going on to the other things...

in other parts of Paris.